NLP Introduction and Overview

NLP is a modern tool for communication and personal devlopment. It can be applied in the therapeutic area, as well as in the business context and many other fields. Here you get an overview of NLP contents, presuppositions, its founders, history, learning stages and the definition of NLP.


  1. What is NLP?
  2. Definition of NLP
  3. Overview Chart – Founding and Roots of NLP
  4. History of NLP
  5. Model of Learning Stages
  6. Presuppositions of NLP

What is NLP?

NLP stands for neurolingustic programming.

Its three components will be explained in the following:

neuro, linguistic, programming


Neuro stands for our nervous system. Every behaviour is controlled by neuronal processes. Our perception is controlled by our five senses. Our nervous system transmits the information through our body. Its main components are the brain and spinal cord from where our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are controlled.


Through language we communicate with other people. At the same time, we communicate with ourselves. It can be distinguished between internal and external communication.


Learned behavioural patterns and thinking patterns can be modified by targeted intervention. We can program our desired behaviour. Changes don´t need to be left to chance but can take place systematically.

Definition of NLP

Here you find a classic definition as well as a simplified one to give you a first idea of what NLP is.

NLP stands for neurolinguistic programming and was developed in the USA in the eighties as a communications and motivations model. It was developed by the linguists John Grinder and Richard Bandler thorough analyses of highly successful psychotherapists. In its current status NLP can be applied not only in therapeutic contexts but also in nearly any other field such as leadership, therapy, sports, health, rhetorics, partnership, education and sales management.

NLP offers a variety of methods to become aware of one´s feelings, thinking patterns and behavioural patterns and develop them in a goal-oriented and constructive manner. In addition, NLP offers many ways to identify and expand your personal strengths and skills.

NLP serves as a method to raise awareness of patterns in perception, expression, thinking and behaviour. By means of the partly subconscious, inner potentials those patterns can be expanded and adjusted. The term is based on longstanding research on the structure of subjective experience (how people perceive and react to the world), communication (how people linguistically express themselves and communicate with each other) and behavioural patterns (how people store and automatically repeat their learning). Particular attention is given to the strategies of successful people. They are precisely described to be available to anyone interested and be learned easily. Findings and contents of NLP enhance our communication and offer a great number of techniques to set goals and find solutions regarding a problem.

"The NLP File, Practitioner-Set" by Trageser and Münchhausen, 2003.

NLP is the art and science of personal improvement, efficient communication and peak performances. “Art” because everyone brings their unique personality and style into what they do which cannot be captured in words or techniques. “Science” because there is a method and process to discover the patterns that are applied by outstanding individuals in all areas to achieve excellent results. This method is called “modelling”. The patterns, skills and techniques are increasingly applied in counselling, education, training and in the business context for personal development, accelerated learning and more efficient communication. NLP is a practicable skill which enables us to reach the results we truly want meanwhile doing something of value to others. It is the exploration of what makes the difference between average and excellence.

"Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)“ by Joseph O´Connor and John Seymour, 1993.

NLP is the art and science of personal improvement, efficient communication and peak performances. “Art” because everyone brings their unique personality and style into what they do which cannot be captured in words or techniques. “Science” because there is a method and process to discover the patterns that are applied by outstanding individuals in all areas to achieve excellent results. This method is called “modelling”. The patterns, skills and techniques are increasingly applied in counselling, education, training and in the business context for personal development, accelerated learning and more efficient communication. NLP is a practicable skill which enables us to reach the results we truly want meanwhile doing something of value to others. It is the exploration of what makes the difference between average and excellence.

"Introducing NLP: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)“ by Joseph O´Connor and John Seymour, 1993.

Overview Chart – Founding and Roots of NLP

The overview chart illustrates the founders of NLP, disciplines and the original experts that were modelled.

NLP Gründung

Areas of application

NLP Anwendungsfelder

History of NLP

On this page you can find a short description of the history of NLP. You can read about how NLP was developed and who was involved. The history of NLP dates back to the 1970s and a meeting between two American scientists, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. At the time, John Grinder was Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Richard Bandler was a mathematician, Gestalt therapist and computer expert. Both wanted to further their learning and develop themselves.
Click here to read a detailed explanation of the history of NLP.

They ultimately decided to find out how experts are capable of outstanding achievements in their fields while others fail. They began to model successful people and recognised the patterns these people used to achieve their desired goals.

Grinder and Bandler became mainly famous through the modeling of Dr. Milton H. Erickson, probably the most important hypnotherapist, of Virginia Satir, an exceptional family therapist and Fritz Perls, the originator of Gestalt therapy.

Having identified patterns common to these masters of communication they began to share them with students in workshops and courses and developed them further.

In the meantime NLP has spread all over the globe and more and more people are using it in numerous areas, such as therapy, relationship, sales, sports and education.

Model of Learning Stages

The model of learning stages describes the developmental steps in which our learning takes place.

Unconscious Incompetence
A person is in the first stage of learning if he has never thought about the skill and is therefore unaware of his incapability.
e.g. a person drives in the car because he gets a ride but has never thought of getting his own driving licence.
Conscious Incompetence
The person comes to the realisation that he is not capable of doing it (and needs to learn and practice in order to be able to do it).
e.g. the person wants to do his driving licence and is driving for the first time.
Conscious Competence
This stage is characterised by the conscious acquisition and application of the new skill.
e.g. the person still needs to fully concentrate and is very self-conscious when driving.
Unconscious Competence
The person now acquired the skill and can implement it automatically and unconsciously.
e.g. driving has become so natural that the person can, for example, talk whilst driving

Working with beliefs

All too often, our success is prevented by inner blockades. Sometimes, we are fully aware of them, whereas other times, they sneak into our mind as a sentence when we tackle a project or we receive an order. They may be beliefs such as “I am too young/old. I don’t have money. I am not qualified/experienced enough. I don´t have good relationships. I come from a humble background. I don´t deserve it. I am not worthy of it.” etc. Our beliefs build the foundation of our construction of reality. Learn how these beliefs impact your life, how they were developed and how you can change your beliefs and those of others. There are numerous techniques and methods (Sleight of Mouth, the Dickens Pattern, New Behaviour Generator, etc.) that can help you replace those old limiting beliefs by more useful ones.

Working with values

Values like freedom, love, honesty or success are our inner motives. They determine and eventually control our actions. They can be the cause behind war and reason why people endure terrible suffering or lives are destroyed. However, most people are unaware of their values, let alone those of their partner, friends and customers. Many times, we don´t have a clear order of values and come into conflicts when our highest value calls us to contrary actions in career matters and/or family. In this item you will learn how values are formed, how to identify your values and how to put them in hierarchy. You will deal with your value conflicts and life rules and train to identify values and rules of your partner or colleague through dialogue. If you act in accordance with your values, you will feel full of energy.

Advanced Hypnosis Techniques

You will train advanced methods of clinical hypnosis: trance induction and trance phenomena, post-hypnotic instructions, ideomotor signalling, self-hypnosis, advanced methods for developing metaphors and implementing trance elements in everyday communication.


Meta-Programmes are personal filters in perception that show in the behaviour of a person. All information from the external world are filtered and are processed, formed and shaped if we allow them access to our inside. Learn how to identify and use those programmes.

Adanced Living

Through advanced time-line methods you are able to design your life, cope with trauma and shape your future.


Learn how to reproduce high performances on an advanced level. This is where the circle closes of the beginnings of NLP and today´s usage. You learn how to recognise patterns of successful people and make them available to you and others. At the end of this course, the participants know the main techniques of NLP. Their theoretical and practical knowledge is assessed in a testing. Additionally, you need to work on a small topic that you can choose yourself or that is suggested by your trainer. The Master Practitioner certification further qualifies you to attend our NLP Trainer course.

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