Milton Model – Comparison with Meta-Model and Speech Pattern

Comparison with Meta-Model and speech pattern

In some ways, the Milton Model of hypnosis language is a reversal of the Meta-Model. The Meta-Model seeks to bring clarity and precision into communication. The Milton model deliberately tries to be vague and unclear in order to awaken associations and activate resources.

  • The Milton Model is linguistically the exact reversal of the Meta-Model. While we train the use of specific language in the Meta-Model, the Milton Model provides guidance on non-specific language usage. The indefinite forms of expression we question with the help of the Meta-Model, namely, deletions, generalizations, and distortions, are exactly the languages we use in the Milton model.
  • The goal of using the Meta-Model is to gather precise and specific information (away from the surface structure and towards the deep structure of the language and the experience). Lost information and experiences can be rediscovered. That is to say, it is all about awareness processes.
  • This is quite different in the Milton Model. This provides us with a variety of possibilities for forming sentences filled with deletions, distortions and generalizations. The listener finds the missing information in himself and thus develops his own meaning for what he hears.
  • The use of unspecific language forms aims to induce and sustain a trance state in order to bring the other person’s hidden, because unconscious, resources into contact with his personality.
  • This means what both approaches have in common is that they aim to make "forgotten" or "unconscious" experiences and resources accessible again. The paths to that end, however, are opposite.

Milton Model language patterns

Numerous speech samples from the Milton model are listed here and explained using examples.

In addition to suggesting certain sensations, the following language patterns are concerned above all with giving the client latitude for finding the missing information in himself and thus develop his own meaning for what he has heard. At the same time, using non-specific language forms aims to induce and sustain a trance state in order to bring the other person into contact with his hidden and unconscious resources.


  • Universal quantifiers (universal terms):
    You have always suspected that all options are open to you, because even if you never really knew this, everyone has always told you and therefore...
  • Modal operators(words of possibility or necessity):
    you can allow yourself to be able to do now, to be allowed to do, what you soon will do, even if you have to wait a bit longer...
  • Lost quotes, "universal" rules, quotes within quotes:
    so, it is good to relax, because after work you are allowed to rest, because my father always told us how my grandmother used to sit by the fireplace and would announce that it was time to go to sleep, and then she remembered...

The various forms of deletions

  • Simple deletion:
    Information is missing, e.g., You can go on, let go, he came back....
  • Deletion of comparison:
    It's getting better, easier, more; it's more pleasant to relax even more.
  • Unspecified reference:
    An indication of to what and / or to whom the statement refers is missing.
    • something ..., many people ..., "one", some ..., anything, certain things ..., something in you
    • the rock weeps, tree; sea, prince, animal, ... (symbolic reference)
    • the eye, ear, heartfelt, breakneck, under the skin (organ language)
  • Unspecified verbs:
    Verbs such as learning, solving, changing, thinking, knowing, experiencing, understanding, remembering, becoming conscious are relatively unspecific. When someone says, "You can learn," it remains unspecific how to learn, and the client can use their own "experience" of learning.
  • Normalizations:
    Words that turn a process into a thing, such as life, relationship, ability, problem, experience, ... By using nominalizations, the other person is given the possibility to insert his own personal experiences.
    “I suppose that earlier in your life there were already difficulties for which there seemed to be no solution at first. And sometimes there was a surprise when suddenly, out of nowhere, a change occurred that was positive.”

Distortions (fantasizing)

Mind reading / reading experience (match - pace); Example: You can hear my voice as your breath flows in and out and you sit here in that chair; maybe you also see something interesting in before your inner eye.

  • Pay attention to feedback und use it; calibrate
  • Use (utilize) of changes (for example: and your wrinkled forehead is also part of an important experience for you)
  • Vagueness: Example: Maybe you are wondering ..., you might like it or not ..., somewhere, somehow, it could be…

Cause - Effect

This language pattern invites the listener to believe that something else necessarily happens because of a fact.

  • "while / as" creates a temporal connection: As you continue to breathe, you let go more and more.
  • Verbs of causation such as: making, letting, effecting, creating, helping etc., create the strongest kind of cause-and-effect connections.

The sound of my voice makes you even more relaxed.
Since you are deeply relaxed, you can start to feel good.
This pattern is very effective if you associate a behavior that the client already experiences (pace) with a new behavior (lead).


Presuppositions are statements that are not questioned. They do not attract attention. Linguistically, they are what remains of the whole sentence is answered with a negation.

  • Ors (false choice): Would you like to mow the lawn or practice playing the piano?
  • Suggestive questions: And I ask myself, how well you can relax today.
  • Time sequence: Would you like to go into trance now or in 15 minutes?
  • Asking yourself, what area of your body will relax first?
  • Change of time words: You can continue to relax.

Embedded Commands

Indirect commands can be delivered by pausing, voice tone, gestures.

I do not know when you will feel better.

And even in this silent state it is possible to learn something decisive.

It should be noted that indirect negative commands have the same effect as positively formulated commands. I do not want you to feel too calm.

You do not need to listen to me.

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